Join us on January 23rd at 9 am to discover the projects of the FFRD Research Grants recipients, which will be revealed during our press webconference.
It will also be an opportunity to present the progress of the prospective SFDT1 cohort, for which the FFRD is the promoter.

On the agenda
The FFRD supports all researches: clinical, basic and translationnal

In addition to the President and the President of the Scientific Board, our recipients and the coordinators of the SFDT1 study will also participate in this event:
- Olivier BOURRON, INSERM, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris
- Soraya TALEB, INSERM, Centre de Recherche Cardiovasculaire, PARCC de Paris
- Mikaël CROYAL, INSERM, Institut du Thorax in Nantes
- Jean-Pierre RIVELINE and Emmanuel COSSON, coordinateurs of the SFDT1 study